Faculty Senate Resolution #19-53

Recommendation that ECU adopt Canvas Learning Management System starting in Fall 2019 and that a timeline be developed to overlap with current Blackboard system and not extend archive access past Spring 2022.

The Senate also endorsed the three additional recommendations for consideration, provided below:

  1. To improve student communication and reduce confusion, we recommend that a syllabus be included within the course shell in all courses within the LMS, and that the syllabus be made available by the first day of class.
  2. Research shows that consistent feedback is beneficial and to that end, we
    recommend if grades are distributed in the course that the gradebook in the LMS be the one location a student visits to receive feedback on progress and performance.
  3. To ensure everyone has the necessary base knowledge to be successful using Canvas,
    we recommend training be required prior to receiving access to the Canvas.
    Training will be offered online, face-to-face, and individually.